Tuesday 25 December 2012

Scent Of Magic by Maria V. Snyder

Scent of Magic (Healer #2) by Maria V. Snyder

Publisher: Harlequin MIRA 
Release Date: December 18th/2012
Pages: 400
Order Now: Book Depository|Amazon
ARC provided by Harlequin via Netgalley for review

What It's About! 

As the last Healer in the Fifteen Realms, Avry of Kazan is in a unique position: in the minds of her friends and foes alike, she no longer exists. Despite her need to prevent the megalomanical King Tohon from winning control of the Realms, Avry is also determined to find her sister and repair their estrangement. And she must do it alone, as Kerrick, her partner and sole confident, returns to Alga to summon his country into battle.

Though she should be in hiding, Avry will do whatever she can to support Tohon’s opponents. Including infiltrating a holy army, evading magic sniffers, teaching forest skills to soldiers and figuring out how to stop Tohon’s most horrible creations yet; an army of the walking dead—human and animal alike and nearly impossible to defeat.

War is coming and Avry is alone. Unless she figures out how to do the impossible ... again.


Once again I was swept into the world of Avry, Kerrick, and the rest of the characters as they experience love, loss and many adventures. I almost wish I had waited to read this second book of the Healer trilogy until the third book was out, just because of the way this book ended!

Scent of Magic starts off with Avry and Kerrick going their separate ways in hopes of being able to get a bigger army together to go up against Tohon and his army. AT first I was worried this meant way less Kerrick, but actually, instead of just seeing Avry's point of view, we also get to see Kerrick's, which was really nice. Even though we still got a lot of Kerrick throughout the book, I found myself wishing for more Kerrick and Avry together, I just love them as a couple.

There were a few losses, some bigger than others, while another one actually got brought back, which I wasn't expecting at all. I love how instead of having so much detail that it takes half the book to explain stuff, Maria V. Snyder just gets right into the action and adventure right away, and I really love that, especially with this Healer trilogy.

When I got near the end I was SO happy about Kerrick and Avry, until the VERY LAST FREAKING PAGE. I seriously wanted to cry. REALLY?! THAT'S IT?! Total freakin' cliff hanger ending, and now I have to wait until 2014 to find out what happens! There is just not enough words to explain how amazing this book was. It was definitely just as good as the first book, but that's about all I can say without giving anyway way, it's just one you HAVE to read if you've read Touch of Power. I definitely have a book hangover after reading this one!


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