Monday 12 November 2012

Author Interview & Giveaway

Q: What first got you into writing? Did you always know you wanted to be an author?

A: Boredom! My first job after college was as a Meteorologist for an environmental consulting firm. The amount of work came in waves, and we were either extremely busy or bored. During the slow times, I started writing a short story. Ideas were always floating around in my mind, but that was when I began using them.
I had thought I wanted to be a storm chaser and if you had told me I'd end up an author I'd probably would have laughed long and hard :)

Q: For those who might not know, how many books do you currently have out right now?

A: I've 9 published novels and 13 short stories in various anthologies. Book #10 is coming out in December.

Q: What were/are some of your favorite books that you've wrote so far?

A: They're all my favorites :) But I will admit to having a certain fondness to POISON STUDY because it is my first book. Second is INSIDE OUT (love Sheepy) and third is TOUCH OF POWER.

Q: Since I'm such a huge fan of the Touch of Power series, I have to know; What idea or ideas inspired the story for these books?

A: In the Study books, Yelena has the power to heal, but it’s but one of her many skills. So after writing the Study books, I wanted to explore healing powers more in depth. I had this vague idea about a healer or an apprentice healer during an epidemic. She was either going to be sought after for her powers – like everyone wanting her, or be hunted. I wasn’t sure. Then one night my daughter couldn’t sleep and she wanted me to tell her a story. She knew all my other books, so I started telling her about this healer. And every night, she’d ask, “What’s next?” That’s why TOUCH OF POWER is dedicated to my daughter.

Q: Are any of the main characters in any of the books based on people you know?

A: Not really. I have aspects of people I know in certain characters but haven't lifted them whole. Well, I'm lying. I do have two characters than are almost lifted whole in the Glass books. Opal's parents are my parents - they even have the same names :) The only thing different is my dad doesn't make glass and my mother isn't that great of a cook (shhh...don't tell her!).

Q: Are there plans for any more books in the touch of power series?

A: Yes, I'm working on book 3, TASTE OF DEATH right now and it should be out next December.

So that's it for the questions, do you have any advice for aspiring authors/writers out there?

A: Persistence is my biggest advice. I’d been writing for ten years and submitting for eight before I sold anything. Learn the craft of writing as well as the business of writing and attend writer’s conferences and classes if you can. Consider that time an apprenticeship. Be wary of predators, if someone is asking you for money proceed with the utmost caution. Get feedback on your stories from fellow writers before submitting. Joining a critique group is very helpful. I also find that if I let a story sit on my desk for a few weeks I can pick out all the problems, typos and inconsistencies easier. And I agree whole heartily with Stephen King’s advice in his book, On Writing. He wrote, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” And don’t give up! Ever!

Thanks so much for hosting me on your blog! If your readers would like more info about me and my books, I have the first chapter of all my books on my website as well as a number of free short stories they can read. Here’s the link: And my blog is:

Enter to win a SIGNED paperback copy of Touch of Power! Please note it's only US and Canada.

Must be a member of the blog to enter and any other pages it asks you to follow. I WILL be checking! Thx! 

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