Saturday, 28 January 2012

Cover Reveal, IMM

Hey guys! Sry I've been so MIA this last week or 2! I've been pretty busy, between work and everything else. *Insert sad face* So, to try and make up for it, I've got a new cover reveal and some other stuff all in one post! I am also going to be doing a post tomorrow about Project Tell Taylor, which is being hosted by Michelle Meadow and which I'm really excited about!

I'm almost finished reading Hallowed by Cynthia Hand, so I will have the review up either later today or tomorrow.

As for the In My Mailbox, I don't have a picture yet, but I did pick up Dreaming Awake by Gwen Hayes (Cannot wait to start this one, been waiting ever since Falling Under came out last year!) and Switched by Amanda Hocking.

Might I add it's also PERFECT reading weather (When I'm not watching my Private Practice dvds...) :) We've been getting a huge dump of snow since last night, and we're still getting it! It's snowing like mad outside, so I've got my book, a cup of tea and my fav blankie :)

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